Inaugurating Banjarbakula Regional TPA, President Reminds the Importance of Waste Management

Banjarbaru, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), Friday, 7 February 2020. President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo inaugurated the Banjarbakula Regional Final Disposal Site (TPA) in Banjarbaru Regency on Friday (07/02/2020).  During the inauguration, President Joko Widodo was accompanied by the Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK), Siti Nurbaya and the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Basuki Hadimuljono.

Banjarbaru-President Joko Widodo in his reminder reminded us that waste management properly and correctly is very important. “Garbage is not a trivial matter,” the President said. The President continued, thousands of tons of untreated garbage can cause disaster. The President reminded us that the bad habit of littering has been proven to lead to disasters, whether it is bad odors, diseases, environmental pollution and water sources, and flood disasters that are very detrimental.

“The increase in population will lead to an increase in the volume of waste generation. Therefore, waste management in the landfill needs to be arranged properly, has modern processing facilities and technology, and a good management system,” explained President Joko Widodo.

The President appreciated the Banjarbakula Regional TPA which involved several regencies and cities in South Kalimantan Province. This landfill has an area of ​​approximately 15 hectares that serves the community in the city of Banjarmasin, Banjarbaru, Banjar, Barito Kuala, and Tanah Laut. This landfill can process 790 tons of waste per day. The technology used is a sanitary landfill equipped with 1.5 liters per second leachate treatment so that the surrounding environment is not polluted by waste and odors.

President Joko Widodo hopes that the government will continue to provide education to the public so that they can separate waste. “Even though a good TPA already exists, we still train the community to be independent in managing waste, so that they can sort out waste, and can reduce, reuse and recycle,” pleaded President Joko Widodo.

The President also requested that technology in waste management continue to be developed in order to have added value and provide benefits to the community. The President gave an example of technology such as power generation of garbage and other energy sources so that waste is no longer a source of problems.

The construction of the landfill with the technology and management of the sanitary landfill is in tune with the revitalization of the Adipura Program from KLHK. Law Number 18 of 2008 concerning Waste Management has mandated that local governments are not permitted to manage their waste with open dumping landfills.

Then in Presidential Regulation No. 97 of 2017 concerning National Policy and Strategy (Jakstranas) Management of Household Waste and Trash of Similar Household Waste, a new breakthrough in national waste management involves all stakeholders to carry out integrated waste management from source to processing end.

Jakstranas’s target is 100% of properly managed waste in 2025 as measured through waste reduction by 30% and waste management by 70%. The Regional Government is required to prepare a Regional Strategy Policy Document (Jakstrada) within a period of 6 months for the provincial government and 1 year for the district/city government.

It was in this context that the Adipura Program experienced a new turning point or revitalization as an instrument in changing the face of urban areas in Indonesia. The Adipura program has raised the awareness of regional governments and communities to maintain the cleanliness and shade of their regions.


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