Movement of Exchange of Plastic Waste with Tree Seeds in Brebes

Movement of Exchange of Plastic Waste with Tree Seeds in Brebes

To reduce the volume of plastic waste in Brebes Regency, Central Java, the local Environmental and Waste Management Office invites the community to exchange trash with fruit plant seeds. One kilo of garbage is exchanged with one fruit plant.

“One solution to landfill is by exchanging plastic waste with fruit tree seedlings,” said Edi Kusmartono, Head of the Brebes Environmental and Waste Management Office, on the sidelines of the Clean Indonesia Movement at the Islamic Center complex on Sunday (24/2). / 2019).

According to Edi Kusmartono, plastic waste is a fairly complicated problem in all regions, including Brebes. The volume continues to grow every day along with community activities. For this reason, the movement of exchanging garbage with tree plants is intensified.

The movement of exchanging garbage is proclaimed in the Islamic Center complex, which every Sunday is made a tiban market. Community members and market traders are encouraged to collect organic and inorganic waste and exchange it for tree seeds.

This collected garbage will then be collected at the Integrated Waste Disposal Site (TPST). Organic waste obtained is processed into compost while plastic waste is processed into diesel fuel.

Expert Staff for the Economy and SDA of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK), Laksmi Wijayanti, who attended the event confirmed that the most worrying waste production at the moment is the plastic waste.

“Almost 66 million tons per year Indonesia produces waste. Of that amount, when it is handed over to the government to handle it, it is not possible. So we encourage people to reduce waste, especially plastic because it is difficult to decipher naturally,” said Laksmi Wijayanti.

Waste, especially plastic, continued Laksmi Wijayanti, currently a national concern and even at the international level. The reason is that plastic waste has the potential to harm the environment, humans, and animals.

“(For example) Plastic waste in the sea, it can later become a micro-size, very small, so that it can enter the process of fish, we will eat the fish, including the food chain,” he explained.


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