Model of the Relationships between Environmental Based of Consumptions and Managing Household Waste

Category: Urban
Sub Category: Waste

Title: Model of the Relationships between Environmental Based of Consumptions and Managing Household Waste
Author: Dr. NiLuh Widyaningsih
Type: Dissertation

This study is about environmental literacy of female movers pro-environment action based on the experience of interaction with physical environment and social environment in managing the environment, including managing household waste by applying the principles of the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) and their persuasive efforts in the community. This is the key to achieving sustainable development by anticipating environmental problem and preserving the environment. This study is conducted qualitatively and its type is descriptive-explanative. The result shows that the environmental literacy of the women has reached the operational environmental literacy, eyen exceeding the level with several women who have reached the consistent environmental literacy and some other women who have reached the spiritual environmental literacy. Besides that, in the environmental literacy of the women there are differences because of the internal and external conditions of the women. Pro-environment activities conducted as a form of responsibility of environmental concern such as eco-management, educational, and economic action, by persuading residents to proactively and consistently continue to do environmental management.

Key words: environmental literacy, woman, social ecology, environmental management, household waste, typology of urban area, sustainable development.

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